
The research of the group covers a wide spectrum of topics related to analysis of sedimentary basins in term of their formation, evolution, sedimentary processes, paleogeography and stratigraphy. Particular attention is paid to the continental basins of Late Paleozoic and Cenozoic ages. We examine facies and architectural analysis of sedimentary units in terms of sedimentary processes and environments. We also focus on physical stratigraphy with special interest in cyclicity of sedimentary records and its implication for high-resolution basin stratigraphy. Other research focuses on geochemistry of lacustrine strata as well as of fluvial sequences and embedded paleosols as a proxy for reconstruction of paleoclimate. Our research also includes provenance studies and reconstruction of dynamics of Late Paleozoic terrestrial ecosystems in context of climatic changes. The overall research is held within a broad co-operation with numerous colleagues from the Czech Republic as well as from Germany, UK, Poland, United States, Argentina, Ethiopia and China. Our studies have been carried out not only in the Czech Republic, but their significant part is held in abroad, in Europe (Poland, Italy), Asia (Turkey, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and China), south America (Argentina) and Africa (Ethiopia).


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