
ias(19. Dec. 2016) International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017

International Sedimentological Association (IAS) and the Association des Sédimentologistes Français (ASF) has announced that the joint meeting will be held in Toulouse on 1012 Oct. 2017. Link to the conference website here.

sedsem(8. Dec. 2016) SGRG invites to Sedimentary geology seminar, 14. Dec. 2016

Tomáš Kumpan (Masaryk University, Brno, CZ): „Late Devonian and early Carboniferous global events in the light of integrated stratigraphy“ (in Czech). Invitation here.

ugv(5. Dec. 2016)  Paleozoikum 2017

Colleagues from the Masaryk University, Brno, invite to traditional meeting of Czech geologists working in Palaeozoic. Newly, the focus of the conference has been extended from Moravia & Silesia to the entire territory of the Czech Republic. Link to the conference website here.

isc_2017(30. Nov. 2016)  International Symposium on the Cretaceous 2017

10th ISC ‒ International Symposium on the Cretaceous will be held in Vienna, AT on 21–26 Aug. 2017. Registration and abstract submission has been opened. Field trip programme comprise excursion to the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin! Link to the conference website here.

sedsem(11. Nov. 2016) SGRG invites to the Sedimentary geology seminar, 16. Nov. 2016

Kateřina Schöpfer (Universität Wien, AT): „The offshore Voring Basin, mid-Norway and the Faroe-Shetland Basin, United Kingdom: basin analysis and rifting styles“ (in English). Invitation here.

sedsem(5. Sept. 2016) Sedimentary geology seminar, Autumn 2016/17

Programme of the seminar co-organized by the Institute of Geology and Paleontology and SGRG, has been announced. Detailed programme available here (in Czech)


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